(2022-1) モジュールによる同期発電機の並列運転の構築および計測 戸張善章
Construction and measurement of parallel operation for synchronous generators with modules
(2022-2) 汎用GISソフトを用いたルートの最適化によるごみ収集車の温室効果ガス削減 阿部寛史
Optimizing Routes Using General-Purpose GIS Software to Reduction of GHG Emissions from Garbage Trucks
(2022-3) 汎用センサにより得られる列車振動を利用した鉄道軌道の予兆診断 立野裕一
Predictive Diagnosis of Railway Tracks Using Train Vibrations Obtained by General-purpose Sensors Predictive diagnosis of railroad track
(2022-4) PVインバータの無効電力供給による電圧制御手法の検討 松山優作
Study of voltage control method by reactive power supply for PV inverters
(2022-5) 電力・温度を計測するスマートコンセントの開発 大井颯之
Development of smart power outlets that measure power and temperature
(2022-6) 仮想同期発電機制御システムの環境構築 村松泰紀
Construction of Virtual Synchronous Generator to Bidirectional Power Converter
(2022-7) Investigation of Method to Reduce Voltage Fluctuation on High Photovoltaic Generation Zahirah
(2022-8) Estimate Expected Power Generation of Solar Paneles with Freely Adjustable Tilt and Azimuth Angles 于海涵
(2022-9) Solar Panel Defect Detection Based on Convolution Neural Network 徐浩然
(2022-10) 小型同期発電機システムを用いた発電機の並列運転 田村鴻樹
Parallel Operation of Generators Using Small Synchronous Generator Experimental System
(2022-11) Evaluation of Waste Collection With Route Optimization Using ArcGIS PRO Antonio
(2022-12) 仮想同期発電機制御の慣性定数の選定 林勇希
Inertia Constant Selection for Virtual Synchronous Generator Control